Welcome to iChange Africa!
Connecting Communities, Transforming Lives

At iChange Africa, we believe in the power of connectivity to drive positive change. We are on a mission to bridge the digital divide in Africa by providing low-income communities with affordable and accessible Wi-Fi. Join us in shaping a future where every African has the opportunity to thrive in the digital age.

Why Connectivity Matters:
Access to the internet opens doors to endless possibilities. It empowers individuals with knowledge, fosters education, enables entrepreneurship, and strengthens communities. By providing low-cost Wi-Fi, we are paving the way for Africa's development and economic growth. We believe that problems that are within our remit as change agents to resolve, we should resolve them.
Our Impact:
Through strategic partnerships and community-driven initiatives, iChange Africa has connected thousands of households, schools, and businesses. Our projects have transformed education, created job opportunities, and enhanced healthcare services. Be a part of this transformative journey!
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Who We Are:

iChange Africa is a non-profit organisation dedicated to enhancing the lives of people in low-income African communities. We believe in the potential of every individual and the power of connectivity to bring about lasting change.

Our Vision:

A digitally connected Africa where opportunities are accessible to all, regardless of location or economic status.


Our Mission:

To provide affordable Wi-Fi access to underserved communities, fostering education, entrepreneurship, and community development.

How We Work:

We collaborate with local communities, governments, and businesses to implement sustainable Wi-Fi solutions. Our projects are designed to empower individuals, stimulate economic growth, and bridge the digital divide.

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Feature Box

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Feature Box

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Explore our ongoing projects that are transforming lives. From connecting schools to empowering small businesses, each initiative is a step toward a more connected Africa.

How You Can Help:

We believe that the issue of getting as many people connected to the Internet as possible is too important to just leave to market forces.

Our guiding mantra is:
“If we wait for the government, it will be too late.
If we act as individuals, it will be too little.
If we work together in our communities, it might just be enough.”
By contributing to our crowdfunding projects, you become a catalyst for change. Your support fuels our mission, enabling us to expand our reach and impact more lives. Every donation, no matter how small, makes a difference.


Volunteer Opportunities:

Join our team of passionate individuals who are dedicated to making a difference. Whether you’re tech-savvy or a community enthusiast, there’s a place for you at iChange Africa.

Spread the Word:

Help us raise awareness about the importance of digital inclusion. Follow us on social media, share our posts, and let your network know about our mission. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change for Africans, in Africa, solving our own problems, together!


iChange Africa is a non-profit organisation dedicated to enhancing the lives of people in low-income African communities. We believe in the potential of every individual and the power of connectivity to bring about lasting change.


072 123 4567
